Download Recording Elastix

Click the sound icon to download the recording to your computer. this will not remove the sound you recorded but rather just the recording object within elastix. then, click on the recording whose message you want to change to get to the edit recording menu and select the new file that was recorded from the dropdown list. then click save.. Setting up freepbx post recording script in order for freepbx to rename and move the call recording, the built in variable mixmon_post in freepbx is set (either in the gui or the global file) and pointed to the file, this script will move the call post processing and rename it to the following format <datetime>_<duration. Call recording reports-admin guide. skip to end of metadata. created by mike schilleman, overview with the call recording report module, you can view, sort, listen to, archive, and download all recorded calls on your system. logging in. in the top menu, go to you can view and download call recording archives. an archive will only be.

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